30 September 2020 Sample Questions for Semester VI of LLB & X of BLS 24 September 2020 Syllabus for SEM VI & X of LLB & BLS 23 September 2020 Adiministrative Law (SEM III & VII) Bankruotcy (SEM IV & VIII) Company Law (SEM III & VII) Contract II (SEM IV & VIII) CPC (SEM V & IX) CRPC (SEM V & IX) IOS SEM (SEM V & IX) Land Laws (SEM IV & VIII) PIL & HR (SEM V & IX) Taxation (SEM IV & VIII) TOPA (SEM III & VII) Family Law II (SEM III & VII) SAMPLE MCQ Jurisprudence (SEM-IV & SEM-VIII) SAMPLE MCQ MARATHI ADR SEM-VI & X SAMPLE MCQ Administrative SEM-III AND SEM-VII SAMPLE MCQ CPC SEM-V & SEM-IX