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The College is affiliated to the University of Mumbai and registered by the Bar Council of India. Committed to excellence in teaching, scholarship and public service, the College provides an open, collegial and diverse community of faculty, students, and staff. The College provides stimulating, diverse and inter-disciplinary intellectual environment for domestic and in students pursuing education in law.

The educational program is supplemented with Practical Training viz. Jail visits, Court visits, and Project work and lecture series. The College also organizes various Moot Court Competitions to enhance ability of students by providing them exposure to practical aspects of legal profession. It invites eminent judges and legal professionals to judge the various competitions.

The College Library, with its vast collection of books, journal and online database keep students and staff updated. The Library at the college is ready to help with any of your research needs, whether you require traditional paper sources or the latest information. Its collections support the teaching and research activities of the college and serve as a resource for legal scholars.
The College gives utmost attention to overall development of personality of students.

All in all, the college has a decent environment and academic atmosphere- not bad at all for those looking for a three-year law degree.

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