Oriental college of Law organised a guest lecture on the 10th of September, 2022 at 10 am at the Seminar Hall based on the topic, Tobacco Use, Abuse and its Impact on Self, Health, Family and Society for all batches of Oriental College of Law to provide the students with guidance on the harms and effects of tobacco product consumption, regardless of recreational use and its ramifications.
The Students of OCL had the honour of witnessing Shri Rohan N Bartake sir’s lecture along with his interesting slides, specifically curated with young and impressionable viewers in mind. Dr. Rohan sir is the Founder of QuitBuddy Project, a tight-knit community containing more than 5000 beneficiaries of his stupendous Deaddiction work, based on scientific WHO guidelines. Sir has worked with various Cancer Hospitals and seen the worse side of the Tobacco Lobby as well as the victims of Tobacco Users, which mainly are the kith and kin of the sufferers. Sir spoke about the financial loss that a tobacco-consumer voluntarily undertakes to harm the health of himself and people around himself. Sir also went on to explain how toxic the tobacco plant is that even basic fencing is not generally used, as animals also do not come near it as no animal considers it as being a source of food.
Despite not being part of an NGO, Sir specifically dedicates all his weekends towards this noble cause and has taken more than a thousand of such sessions. OCL and its students were fortunate enough to have experienced one such session among sir’s tight schedule.
There was a dedicated Q&A Session wherein interesting questions were asked by our Students, which entailed even more entertaining answers as provided by sir.
The session ended with a vote of thanks to Shri Rohan N Bartake sir for his valuable time for knowledge-building of all students and faculty involved as being part of the interactive session.
A Google Form was created to adjudge various aspects of the Session and the following responses were populated by 19 Students of the approximately 50-60 students who attended the Session. Students have provided positive feedback as may be perused herein below and also expect more of such sessions in the weeks to come.
Oriental college of law organised a guest lecture on practical aspects of civil procedure code for all batches of oriental college of law to provide the students with the procedural aspect of the civil side.
The session was conducted by Honourable Justice Rajaram Shamroa Bhakare Jt civil Judge senior Division Panvel. Hon’ble Justice Bhakare gave the students in- depth analysis of civil procedure code, the session gave practical knowledge to the students regarding how orders are to be used during proceedings and its aspects while drafting.
The session ended with vote of thanks to Hon’ble Justice Bhakare for giving its valuable time.
Orietnal college of law organised a guest lecture on guidelines relating to Bar Council registration and All India Bar Examination for the Alumni of Oriental college of law and for the Final years students of TY LLB and Final Year BLS LLB.
The Guest of Honour for the Guest lecture was Shri Pravin Y. Ranpise Secretary Bar council of Maharashtra & Goa. Sir guided the students on the enrollment process for sanad and explained about the different documents required for the registration. Sir also explained about the All India Bar examination, its pattern, procedure and relevancy of AIBE to the students.
Youth day and Voters day on 30th January, 2020.
The Oriental Education Society’s Oriental College of Law celebrated Youth day and Voters day as per the guidelines of National Legal Services Authority on 30th January, 2020. The event was in Collaboration with C.B. D. Belapur Court and TISS (Tata Institute of Social Science) as per the guidelines NLSA (National Legal Service Authority). The Guests for the Event were Hon’ble Judge Trupti Naik, Secretary, Taluka Legal Aid Committee, Civil Judge J. D. & Judicial Magistrate First Class, Vashi, Hon’ble Judge Sanjana Jagushte, Joint Civil Judge J. D. & Judicial Magistrate First Class, Vashi along with Advocate. Shahnawaz Pathan, Senior Social Worker, Prayas, TISS. The guests were warmly welcomed by Dr. P. Y. Gaonkar, Principal, Oriental College of Law, and Prof. Rupali Jamode, Vice-Principal, Oriental College of Law along with other Staff.
The Guests addressed the students on Voters day and Youth Day also guiding them through various committees working for youth under central government.
The Celebration ended with vote of thank by Prof. Ravnish Bector and all enthusiasm in Youth making them remember their right to vote as their duty and responsibility towards the Nation.
Art of Mooting
A seminar was conducted on 21st September, 2019 on the “Art of Mooting”. The Guest Speaker for the Seminar was Mr. Ranjeet Sangle, Advocate, Supreme Court of India, India’s Youngest Public Prosecutor. The Guest was welcomed by Dr. P. Y. Gaonkar, Principal, Oriental College of Law. Thereafter principal addressed the students and staff with a welcome Speech.
Soon after, the guest Adv Ranjeet Sangle took over and addressed the students with full fledged lecture on ‘Art of Mooting’. He gave a splendid presentation which exposed the students to the field of practice. The seminar left a long-lasting impact on the students.
The event was concluded by Vote of Thanks.
Seminar on Value Education
Oriental College of Law had organized Seminar on Value Education on 10th February 2018 at Seminar Hall of Law College from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.Mr. Narendra Rajpurohit, Advocate High Court was the Chief Speaker of the seminar. Acharya Shri. Satyavraya Nand Avadhoot Ji (Social Worker) and Shri. Krishnanand Hosalikar (Deputy Director General of Metrological Department, also attended the seminar as guest speakers. Dr. (Mrs.) Ratani Thakur – Principal, Oriental College of Education also attended the said seminar. Ms. Neha Mishra (LLB 1st Yr) hosted the programme.
All guests were welcomed and felicitated by Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand, Principal, Oriental College of Law and Mrs. Rupali Jamode, Asst. Professor, Oriental College of Law.
Dr. Mr. Prakash Deshmukh, Advocate High Court, Co-ordinator of the seminar gave introduction of the guests. Thereafter Shri. Krishnanand Hausalikar sir gave very informative speech on the subject. Acharya Shri. Satyavraya Nand Avadhoot Ji gave very important information on Yogik Science. Thereafter Mr. Narendra Rajpurohit, Advocate High Court was the Chief Speaker of the seminar shared his beautiful knowledge about Neo Humanistic Education and gave very interactive speech on the subject. He narrated importance of Morality, Truth, Love, Peace, Right Conduct, Non-Violence, Tolerance, etc. and laid emphasis as to why moral values should be part of educational system. Lastly Ms. Ashna Saiyed (LLB 1st Yr) delivered vote of thanks and the programme was concluded.
The Government of Maharashtra has constituted a Prison Reforms Committee under the Chairpersonship of Hon’ble Rtd. Justice Radhakrishnan, in pursuance of the orders passed by the Hon’ble Bombay High Court on 1st March, 2017 in PIL No. 14/2015 and 167/2015, to look into the facilities provided in prisons / problems faced by prisoners, to study other issues in prisons in the State, and to look into the upgradation of prisons and make recommendations to the Government towards developing model prisons. The issue of Under Trial Prisoner’s is getting worsened day by day.
Therefore, on 30/10/2017 at 10:30 a.m. a seminar was organised in the Seminar Hall of the Oriental College of Law to discuss and to study the situation of UTP’s and to make applications to Court on the behalf of UTP’s lodged in Taloja Prison.
The Chief Guest of the said seminar was Mr. Rajvardhan, Special IG (Prisons), Southern Region, at Byculla District Prison, Clare Road, Byculla and Guest of Honour was Prof. Mr. Raghavan from Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand, Principal, Oriental College of Law felicitate both of the dignitaries.
Other dignitaries who attended the Seminar were Mr. Gaikwad Sir, Superintendent of Taloja Central Jail, Other Jail authorities, social workers, Ms. Sai Shetty Madam. In addition to this faculty coordinators of BCT Law College and Dr. D. Y. Patil Law College attended the said seminar. Around 25 Students from each of the three Law colleges who were selected for the said project were present for the Seminar.
The seminar started with the lightening of the lamp. Welcome address was delivered by Prof. Anuja Rane (Cultural Committee In-Charge). Thereafter Prof. Vijay Raghvan gave informative speech to make the students aware about the project that got initiated by Justice Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and plan of action to improve the position of the Under-Trial Prisoners in Mumbai and Thane District. He discussed about the problems being faced by the under-trials and the probable reasons of the under-trials still languishing in prisons even after grant of bail by the Courts. He explained the role of law students in this project and task to be performed by the students in helping the under-trials.
Thereafter, Mr. Rajvardhan (Special I G officer) addressed the students and pointed out that this project would be a great learning experience for the students, wherein they would get an opportunity to meet and interact with the prisoners and they can assist the prisoners in resolving the problem faced by them to some extent by making them aware about the legal remedies.He also discussed some of the Do’s and Dont’s during the prison visit. This was followed by question – answer session and then Vote of Thanks delivered by the Principal, Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand who appreciated the efforts taken up by the dignitaries to take up a project over such a neglected area and also encouraged the students to actively participate in the project and give their best. The seminar concluded with the National Anthem.
Oriental College of Law had organized Revision Lecture Series from 24/10/2017 to 29/10/2017 in seminar hall of the Oriental College of Law and legal experts were called to deliver lectures on some important subjects from 9:30 a.m. onwards. The idea was to quickly summarize important aspects of the subject. This lecture series was attended by the students in large number.
On 24/10/2017 the first lecture was conducted by Dr. Rashmi Oza Madam (Head, Department of Law, Mumbai University) and she enlightened the students on the subject of Human Rights. On 25/10/2017 the second lecture was conducted by Adv. Amit Kate Sir and he delivered the lecture on Law of Contract. On 26/10/2017 the third lecture was conducted by Adv. Ram Aapte Sir (Designated Senior Counsel, Bombay High Court) on Administrative Law and he summarised the subject, touching all the important concepts of administrative law.
The series went on and the fourth lecture was on 27/10/2017, by Adv. Rakesh Bhardawaj Sir on Labour Laws. He inspired the students with his knowledge on the subject making the subject more interesting and understandable. On 28/10/2017, Adv. Dindayal G. Dhanure Sir (Advocate, Bombay High Court) delivered lecture on Code of Civil Procedure and he highlighted all important aspect of the Code. On 29/10/2017, the Last Lecture of this revision lecture series was conducted by Adv. Shreekant Gavand (Additional Public Prosecutor, Bombay High Court) on the Criminal Procedure Code. The lecture was very informative and helped the students to grasp the important concepts of the subject and he also help the students to solve the situational questions from the university papers of last 7 years.
On all these days of lecture series, the guests were welcomed by the Principal, Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand. On each day the session was followed by the question-answer round and each guest faculty helped in clarification of the doubts of the students. Each Day the lectures ended with vote of thanks by one of the teaching faculty i.e. Prof. Mrs. Ravnish Bector, Prof. Rupali Jamode and Prof. Anuja Rane followed by National Anthem.
Oriental College of Law had organized Seminar on Consumer Awareness and Consumer Protection Act, 1986 on 8th September 2017 at Seminar Hall of Law College from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand, Principal, Oriental College of Law welcomed all the guest and student and gave introductory speech. Dr. M. S. Kamath, M.B.B.S., a well known consumer activist was the Chief Guest of the seminar and he gave very informative and interactive speech on the subject. Mrs. Snehal Aapte gave lecture on financial literacy. The students were given certificate of participation at the end. Mrs. Shital Dixit gave vote of thanks.
Oriental College of Law, Sanpada on 29th July 2017 had organized a seminar on “Drafting & Advocacy – An Art”. The programme began in seminar hall of the college, with the lightning of the lamp by the Chief Guest Adv. Shreekant Vitthal Gavand, Addl. Public Prosecutor, High Court, Bombay, Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand, Principal of Oriental College of Law and Adv. Prof. Dr. Prakash Deshmukh.
Asst. Professor Mrs. Palak Srivastav gave welcome address. After felicitation of chief guest, Adv. Prof. Dr. Prakash Deshmukh in his speech explained importance of drafting. The Chief Guest for the programme, Adv. Shreekant Gavand, Addl. Public Prosecutor, High Court, Bombay, in his speech clarified as to how good drafting is the first step towards becoming good advocate. He explained the difference between the drafting in Civil Matters and Criminal Matters and how care is required to be taken while admitting certain facts and importance of principle of estoppel. He also explained some details about cross examination. In his valuable guidance he narrated importance of practicing in trial courts before moving to the high court.
After the speech, the students asked various questions related to the topic and the chief guest clarified all the doubts. All professors and number of students of Law College were present for the said programme. Finally, a vote of thanks was proposed by Asst. Prof. Rupali Jamode and the Program was concluded by National Anthem.
Seminar on “Career Guidance on Judicial Services”
(Process of appointment of Civil Judge, Junior Division & Judicial Magistrate, First Class)
Oriental College of Law, Sanpada on 22nd July 2017 had organized a seminar on “Career Guidance on Judicial Services” (Process of appointment of Civil Judge, Junior Division & Judicial Magistrate, First Class). The said program was attended by number of students of Law College at the Seminar Hall in the College premises.
The programme began with the lightning of the lamp by the Chief Guest Mrs. Anamika Motale-Pore, Civil Judge, J.D. & Judicial Magistrate, F.C. and Dr. Mrs. Shitala S. Gavand, Principal of Oriental College of Law.
Asst. Professor Mrs. Ravnish Bector gave welcome address. After felicitation of chief guest, Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand in her speech explained the importance of competitive exams for the law students. She pointed out that thousands of aspirants appear every year for Judicial services examination but only few of them get selected. The Chief Guest for the programme, Mrs. Anamika Motale-Pore, who is recently selected for the post of JMFC, in her speech, explained the process of appointment of judges in lower courts to higher courts.
She explained the current process which a law graduate is required to follow before his selection as JMFC. She shared her experience of three important stages in JMFC Exam. i.e. Preliminary Examination, Final Examination and the interview by the Judge of Hon’ble High Court and also explained the methods for preparation of such examination. She explained each and every point in very easy manner.
Asst. Prof. Rupali Jamode and members of other teaching as well as non teaching staff were also present for the said programme. Finally, a vote of thanks was proposed by Asst. Prof. Palak Srivastava and the Program was concluded by National Anthem.
Legal Aid Programme of High Court Legal Services Committee
A Legal Aid Programme was organized by Oriental College of Law with the assistance of High Court Legal Services Committee, High Court, Bombay on 21st March 2017 at 11 a.m. in Seminar Hall.
The Chief Guest of the said Programme was Adv. Rohini Dandekar and Adv. Dr. Prakash Deshmukh was also present for the said programme. Both Adv. Rohini Dandekar and Adv. Dr. Prakash Deshmukh are the Hon’ble members of High Court Legal Services committee. Some other members of the said committee were also present for the event.
Dr. J. B. Patil, Principal, Oriental College of Law, welcome all the guest and Mrs. Shitala Gavand, In-Charge Professor, felicitated all the guest.
The Chief Guest of the Programme Adv. Rohini Dandekar and Adv. Dr. Prakash Deshmukh gave very valuable information regarding working of the High Court Legal Services committee and also importance of free legal aid. The Chief Guest of the event appreciated the efforts of Oriental College of Law for providing free legal aid to the needy section of the society.
Finally, a vote of thanks was proposed by Asst. Prof. Mrs. Shitala Gavand, Chairperson of Legal Aid Committee.

Oriental college of law organised a seminar on legal awareness on 21 August 2015. The guest speaker was Honourable Justice R.C chauhan. The seminar was from 10:30 to 12:30 where the guest speaker provide our students with very much valuable information regarding legal awareness.
One day Seminar on “Cancer Awareness” was organised by the International Human Rights Commission at Oriental College of Law on 6th August 2016. The Seminar aimed at creating awareness among students regarding cancer, the reasons for its widespread, and the solutions which need to be taken to prevent it. The session also enlightened us regarding the toxic adulteration, which is being mixed with foods and drinks. The Seminar constituted lectures by eminent expert members of IHRC-Bhagwan L. Sharma, National Gen. Secretary in Health Department, and Nirmala Thakur, Secretary Foundation Board. They shared their experience and knowledge and also clarified various doubts of the students on the subject.
- Oriental College of law had organized a Legal Aid Workshop” on 18th Jan 2015, Sunday, in collaboration with Yashwantrao Pratisthan, in the presence of 100 participants. The legal aid workshop was officially inaugurated by the chief guest Justice J.N Patel. chief justice Mr. J.N. Patel sir had enlightened the audience with his past experiences and valuable information on how even a small efforts curb the wrong doing in our country, states and cities. The workshop was very enlightening, motivational and beneficial to all the participants.
- Oriental college of law has conducted a Seminar on 09th Feb. 2015, on Value Education by Advocate Raj Purohit and his associate team members
- Our Oriental College of Law, had organised a seminar on 28th Feb. 2015 on scope of Legal Profession. The lecture was delivered by Justice Mr. Zafar Imam (Presiding officer, Debt Recovery Tribunal, Mumbai)