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Farewell Party 2019

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, Live the life you have imagined.

Its time for students of final year to bid goodbye to the College, Teachers, Friends, Juniors, Canteen etc. With this Oriental College of Law organised Farewell Party “Alvida Seniors” for students of Final Year BLS.LL.B and LL.B on 27th April, 2019 in the Seminar Hall.

The Party was arranged by the juniors for their seniors which included Games, Dance, and Music for the Final Year Students. The Student were presented with the token of Appreciation and a remembrance from College and wished them for a bright future

Farewell Party 2017

This is special year for Oriental College of Law; since after commencement of college in August 2014; the first batch of 3 year law course would be completing its course in this year.

In order to remember their golden memories and to greet best wishes to all final year law students the Oriental College of law had organised a farewell party on 1st April 2017, Saturday in Seminar Hall from 4 to 7 p.m.

The farewell party began with welcome address and introductory speech by Mrs. Shitala Gavand (Professor in charge). Thereafter very motivating speeches were given by Principal Dr. J. B. Patil, Adv. Shreekant Gavand, Addl. Public Prosecutor High Court, Bombay and Asst. Prof. Mrs. Ravnish Bector. Then few final year law students shared their memories and experiences.

Remarkably junior students were also present in large number to greet the senior students. Various games were played, dances were performed and some songs were sung by the students and faculty members.

Oriental college of law as a token of love; gifted a photo frame of group photo to each of the final year student present at the event.

Then at the end dinner was arranged for all the students and faculty members.

Finally the event was concluded with blessings and good wishes to all the outgoing students for their prosperous career.

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