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Oriental college of law celebrated the occasion of Diwali with students having the theme Shine like sparkle on 21st October 2022, the theme shine like sparkle had few competitions aligned for the students such as Rangoli making , Diya making, Mehendi competition.

Students from BLS LLB and LLB participated in the competition and showcased their skills.The Judge for the occasion was from B.ED Department Ms. Asmita wawhare who Judged the students on various aspects.The Rangoli making competition was won by Prachi Pradeep Shinde of 5th Year BLS LLB, and the Diya making competition was won by Ashiya Dawood of 4th YEAR BLS LLB and mehendi competition was won by Shabeena Shaikh of 5th Year BLS LLB. It was event to remember for the students and the staff.

A festival full of sweet childhood memories, a sky full of fireworks, a mouth full of sweets, a house full of diyas and a heart full of joy. Wishing you all a very happy Diwali! Let each diya you light bring a glow of happiness on your face and enlighten your soul. Happy Diwali



Oriental College of Law paid tribute to the Missile Man of India on 15th October 2020, Recipient of Bharat Ratna and Former President of India – Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam on his Birth Anniversary.His Birth Anniversary is marked and celebrated as World Student’s Day to acknowledge his efforts towards students and Education.

Vaachan Prerna Diwas also had a special guest lecture on social media addiction by Dr. Daisy Joseph a scientist by profession in Bhabha Atomic Research centre Mumbai. Dr. Daisy elaborated on the various aspects of social media addiction such as addiction, de-addiction, merits, demerits of social media, health effects (physical, psychological), effect of wifi on human body, EMF( electromagnetic spectrum ), how many hours one should use mobile phone and similarly gave solutions for the same for the de addiction of social media. The session was attended by all the students of BLS LLB & LLB. And also inauguration of college magazine lexis Nexis was done by the Guest Dr. Daisy Joseph with Mrs. Rupali Jamode Principal Oriental college of law.

Dr. Daisy ended the session with tribute to Dr. A.P.J Abdul kalam sir where he identified the core competencies of India.


Founder’s Day was organized on October 01, 2022 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Professor Javed Khan at Sanpada Campus of Oriental Education Society. The event was jointly celebrated by Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Oriental College of Education, Oriental College of Law, Oriental College of Pharmacy, Oriental Institute of Management, and Oriental International School.

Oriental Education Society with Support of J.J Hospitals conducted blood donation Drive for all the departments of the OES. Around 20 Students from Oriental college of law gave blood and other departments students also participated in the blood donation drive. Overwhelming response was recorded in the blood donation drive which was a success on the part of founders day celebration. A social cause was fulfilled on the occasion of Founders day with the blessings of our esteemed Prof. Javed khan and torchbearer. The program concluded with the National Anthem.


Oriental College of law participated in the Indian Swachhata league which was organized by the (NMMC) Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation on 22nd September 2022. The league promoted the concept of cleanliness all over Navi Mumbai, the league and Mumbai. Schools and colleges of every local area participated in the league. From oriental college of law Students of FY LLB and BLS LLB participated and took oath for cleanliness.
Prof Ranjeev Joseph and Prof Nuruddin Khan accompanied the students to Rajiv Gandhi Ground Belapur for the Swachhta League.

12वीं भारतीय छात्र संसद 2022

Oriental college of law provided the opportunity to Aman Raj Patel Student of FYBLS LLB to participate in the 12th Bharatiya Chhatra Sansad 2022. It was a great exposure for Aman Patel and the social media team of Oriental college of law asked Aman patel to share his experience in his own words so that students also get motivated.

Experience of AMAN RAJ PATEL at 12th Bharatiya Chhatra sansad 2022, MIT PUNE MAHARASHTRA

There was a 3 days conclave of All India students parliament from 15 to 17 September 2022. I got a golden opportunity to attend the program and lead my team on the topic of

  1. Freedom of speech is the Laxman Rekha
  2. Dynasty- The untold truth of every political party
  3. Indian media- Ruled by noise or ruled by law.

I listened to many celebrities people like DR k Sivan, Meera Kumar, Sumitra Mahajan, Devendra fadnavis, Anil Joshi, CP Joshi, Advocate Krishna Allavaru, Advocate mahalaxmi Pavani,Dr Karthikeyan, S.P Singh Baghel, Saurabh Dwivedi, Dr Ashutosh, Hema Sardesai, prahalad kakkar, irom sharmila Aprmeya radhakrishna, Anshul Avijit , Girish Mahajan, Rashid Albi, Advocate Manish Tiwari, Ritu Khanduri Bhushan
Everyone talked about the development of leadership qualities.

I am glad to say I met them and talked about the burning issues of the nation. They loved my words ,talked and blessed me with a great future. I have seen the emotional gratitude of people with Dr. Sivan, Meera kumar, sumitra Mahajan, Devendra fadnawis. They are an inspiration for people of India. I can’t say this in words what I felt.
When I talked with Dr Ashutosh and Dr Anshul Avijit, they convinced me of socialism in India. People who participated were so excited. When I was leading my team, a foreigner came for an inspection about digital detox and I summarised the positive and negative impacts of Mobile phones, cyber security, data and behaviour of children till now.

I talked about vulgarism, New ideas, OTT and old films with director Prahlad Kakkar and odia actor Anubhav Mohanty. It was a precious and great time for me and a very good experience.

The Social media team of oriental college of law would like to thank Aman Raj Patel for sharing his experience.


Oriental college of law celebrated Hindi diwas on 17 September 2022 to acknowledge the national language of India. Hindi language is one of the most influential languages of India and to mark the importance of Hindi language and its roots should not be forgotten. English language is getting the due importance while Hindi language is taking backseat to mark the importance of Hindi language, Hindi diwas is celebrated all across the country.

Mrs. Rupali Jamode Principal Oriental college of law started the Hindi diwas celebration by sharing its views on hindi language and its importance to the audience. Students participated in the debate competition organized by the Hindi parishad committee. The winners in the debate competition were Mr. Ganshyam Mishra 3rd Year BLS LLB Stood first and Aditya Sakpale 1st Year BLS LLB stood second in the debate competition and the third position was tied. Judges for the occasion were from the B.ED stream for impartial results.Language and culture of any country plays an important role in making people-to connect with the people & helps in making a strong nation. Thus, the celebration concluded with a positive note.

Librarian Day 12 August 2022

Library committee of Oriental college of law celebrated the Library day on 12 August 2022 and the day is also celebrated as Birth of Dr. S R Ranganathan(father of library movement in India)

The portrait of Dr. S.R.Ranganathan was garlanded by

Mrs. Rupali Jamode, Principal of the College, spoke about the importance of physical libraries and abuse of mobile phones by the young generation. Mrs Kalpana Gaikwad Head librarian shared the experiences of how the library was formed from the start.

Students gave presentations on the biography of Dr. Ranganathan and gave insights on the use of Digital Library. The session was concluded with a short speech by Mrs. Rupali Jamode, Principal OCL


The Second Term Training Program was conducted on 31st December 2019 at Oriental College of Law. Dr. Mrs. Ratani Thakur, Principal of Oriental College of Education, Sanpada, the Field Coordinator of DLLE of our college addressed the students in the presence of Dr. P.Y.Gaonkar, Principal and Prof. Mrs. Rupali Jamode, Vice Principal and conveyed the importance of the DLLE and encouraged them to conduct more activities in a well coordinated manner. Thereafter, the Extension teachers Prof. Mrs Ravnish Bector and Prof. Mrs Tanavi Naik and the student managers took over to explain the DLLE students about the upcoming UDAAN Festival. The students were given details of various competitions at the festival which included the street play, poster making and anchor selection for compering the various events under UDAAN festival.

After the discussion the students cleared their doubts in the question hour.

Birth Anniversary of Smt. Savitribai Phule

The Oriental College of Law Celebrated 189th Birth Anniversary of Smt. Savitribai Phule, the Indian educationalist, poet and a social reformer from Maharashtra on 3rd Jan, 2020. The students of LL.B gathered in the Library in her memory. Prof. Mrs. Rupali Jamode, Vice- Principal, along with Students spoke about her work in the field of Education and Women Empowerment. The program concluded with the Distribution of Sweet.

Report On Field Coordinators Visit

A programme was organised on 14-12-2019 by Oriental College of Law to welcome the Field Coordinator of DLLE, Dr. Mrs. Ratani Thakur, Principal, Oriental College of Education. The guest was welcomed and introduced by Dr. P.Y. Gaonkar, Principal, Oriental College of Law.

Thereafter, Dr. Mrs. Ratani Thakur enlightened the student members of DLLE, encouraging them to carry out the activities with full enthusiasm and zeal.

Vaachan Prerna Diwas


“Don’t believe in luck, Belive in Hard work

Oriental College of Law celebrated Vaachan Prerna Diwas on 15th October, 2019 at Oriental college of law .On the occasion of birth Anniversary of former President Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, the State Government has urged all the school, colleges and office to celebrate ‘Vachan Prerna Diwas (Inspire to read).Oriental College of Law celebrated the same on 15th October 2019. The program was organised in the library by Mrs. Kalpana Gaikwad, Librarian Oriental college of Law. The program was graced by Dr.P.Y.Gaonkar, Principal Oriental College Of Law, Prof. Mrs. Rupali Jamode, Vice-Principal and teaching and non-teaching staff along with the students. The programme was organised to commemorate the contribution of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam to the upcoming generations on. The students along with the faculty pledged to follow his footsteps for a bright successful future.

1ST  Activity (Rally) Environment Safety Drive

The Oriental College of Law organised a peaceful procession to create awareness amongst the people for protection of environment on 30th November 2019. The procession was carried out as part of D.L.E.E. activity with the permission of Dr. P.Y. Gaonkar, Principal Oriental College of Law and Prof Mrs. Rupali Jamode, Vice-Principal Oriental College of Law. The Extension Teachers Prof. Ravnish Bector and Prof. Tanavi Naik along with other faculty and students carried out a rally from college towards Juinagar Railway Station creating awareness and inspiring the residents and pedestrians for clean and green environment with loud slogans being spoken all along the way.

WDC’S Poster Making Competition

The Women Development Cell (WDC) of Oriental College of Law organised the Poster Making Competition on 18-12-2019. The theme for the competition was “Crime Against Women”.

Dr. P.Y. Gaonkar, Principal, Oriental College of Law in the light of the current happenings briefed the students about the increasing crime rate against women and the steps that can be taken to reduce it.

The students concluded their poster making on different aspects of crime against women.

Dr. Mrs. Ratani Thakur, Principal, Oriental College of education was invited to judge the competition. The decision regarding the winners was made on the basis of following Criteria:-

  1. Relevance of the Theme,
  2. Accuracy and Clarity of the Message,
  3. Neatness, and
  4. Overall Presentation.

The following Students Bagged the first, second, third and consolation position in Poster Making Competition:-

  1. Gayatri Phogat
  2. Ram Sahebrao More
  3. Samruddhi Bhosle
  4. Sukhjeet Kour (Consolation)

The winners were awarded with certificates from the Judges.

Social media report for DLLE – 2019.

The Oriental College of Law has registered itself with the D.L.L.E., at the Department of Students Welfare Centre, Mumbai for the Academic Year 2019-20. This has been possible with the hard efforts of the Management, Oriental Education Society, Dr. P.Y. Gaonkar, Principal, Oriental College of Law and Mrs. Rupali Jamode, Vice Principal, Oriental College of Law.

The DLLE is a programme aimed at making education relevant to real life education. It prepares students for a greater social commitment and a sense of responsibility towards society.

The students participating in the extension work under this department are entitled to the benefit of 10 grace marks in exam on satisfactory completion of 120 hours of work under various Extension Work Projects. The Extension Work Projects include Vocational Career Oriented Projects and Community Oriented Projects. A range of Extension Work Projects are offered for enhancing the employability and IT skills of the students.

Hindi Divas – 2019.

Oriental College of Law celebrated Hindi Divas on 14th September, 2019 at College premises as a mark of acknowledgement of Hindi as the National language. The guests of honour were the Prof. Javed Khan, President, Oriental Education Society and Dr. Anupama Uzgare, Marathi and Hindi writer.
The celebration began with Saraswati Vandana and lightining of the lamp by chief guest Dr. Anupama Uzgare. Speech citing the importance of Hindi as our national language was delivered. Various poems were recited by the students of Oriental College of Law. Thereafter a very inspiring speech was delivered by our honourable chief guest Prof. Javed Khan, President, OES. He emphasized on the significance of Hindi language in our daily lives and why Hindi language should acquire prominence for interacting in day today lives.
A very motivating speech was delivered by our chief guest Dr. Anupama Uzgare. She delighted the students by reciting poem of Harivansh Rai Bacchan. The Hindi and Marathi writer also emphasized on the importance of Hindi as a language of day to day communication
Hindi essay writing and debate competition were held by on account of Hindi Divas on 11thof September 2019 for which certificates were distributed by our honourable chief guests on the same day. The event ended by a vote of thanks.

Teacher’s day – 2019.

Teacher’s day programme was organised on 5th September, 2019. It was a combined event of Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Oriental College of Education and Oriental College of Law. The Guest of Honour and Chief Guest for the occasion Prof. Javed Khan and Dr. Rekha Jagdale were given floral welcome by Prof. Raosaheb Shinde and Dr. P. Y. Gaonkar respectively.
The Principal of respective colleges Dr. Ratni Thakur (Principal, Oriental College of Education), Prof. Raosaheb Shinde (Principal, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology), Dr. P. Y. Gaonkar (Principal, Oriental College of Law) along with Vice-Principal were given floral welcome. The Chief Guest shared some of their valuable experience in the field of teaching.
The teachers from all Colleges were felicitated and awarded for their contribution in their academic excellence. It was followed by a short cultural programme presented by faculty of all the colleges. The event was concluded by vote of thanks by Prof. Sheela Warbhuvan Sakhare

women development cell programme – 2019.

Manzhile unhiko milti hai,
jinke sapno main jaan hoti hai,
Sirf pankho se kuch nhi hota,
dosto hoshalo se udaan hoti hai

On 31st August, 2019, women development cell programme was organised by Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology and Oriental College of Law on the theme “self-defence” for women. The event was graced by Miss Aquila Mathew (Black Belt) and Miss Renuka Krishna Chityal (Black Belt) in the presence of Prof. Raosaheb, Principal, SCCT and Dr. P. Y. Gaonkar, Principal, OCL by lighting of the lamp. The guests were felicitated by the Principals.
Then the Cultural performance began with song, skit and dance. Miss Aquila Mathew and Miss Renuka Krishna Chityal demonstrated techniques on self defence.

Independence Day – 2019.

Hai preet jahan ki reet sada
Main geet wahan ke gaata hoon
Bharat ka rehne wala hoon
Bharat ki baat sunata hoon

With this India entered into 73rd Independent year. This day was celebrated with utmost Pride and keeping our responsibilities in mind towards the nation. The Oriental Education Society’s Oriental College of Law celebrated the event along with Oriental College of Pharmacy, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Oriental College of Education. In the presence of Dr. P. Y. Gaonkar, Principal OCL, Prof. Raosahab Shinde, Principal SCCT, Dr. Mrs. Sudha Rathod, Principal OCP in the Sanpada Campus along with Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of all Colleges.

The day began with flag hoisting by the Chief Guest Dr. Mrs. Ratani Thakur, Principal Oriental College of Education, followed by National Anthem, distribution of sweets. For further celebration the Cultural events were celebrated in Seminar Hall where Students gave various performances that reflected the Love for the Nation and Respect for the soldiers who guards us 24×7.

The Program ended with Vote of Thanks.

New Office Inauguration – 2019.

“This is new year a new beginning and thing will
change for good.”

With this a new chapter is added to ORIENTAL COLLEGE OF LAW. The new office was inaugurated by Mrs. Humera Khan Madam, Treasurer, Oriental Education Society along with Dr. P.Y. Gaonkar, Principal Oriental college of law, in the presence of Professor Raosaheb Shinde, Principal Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Dr. Ratani Thakur, Principal Oriental College of Education, Dr. Sudha Rathod, Principal Oriental College of Pharmacy along with Teaching and Non- Teaching staff of ORIENTAL COLLEGE OF LAW.

Library Day – 2019.

National Librarians Day celebrated on 10 th Aug 2019 on the occasion of 127 th Birth Anniversary of Dr.S.R.Rangathan, Father of Library and Information Science. Dr. Ratani Thakur Oriental College Of Education Principal Mr.Salim Dhanse, Librarian Of OCE, Mrs.Arunadevi Lingam Librarian OCP, Ms.Rupali Bhagat SCCT, Mrs.Kalpana Gaikwad of Librarian OCL had took efforts to organize this event successfully, the event was organizes in Seminar Hall at 10.30 a.m.

Prof. Raosaheb Shindegalwekar. Sanpada College of Commerce & Technology, Principal; Dr.Sudha Rathod Oriental college of Pharmacy, Principal and.Dr.P.Y. Gaonkar, Oriental College of Law, Principal and Mrs. Pushpalata D’Souza, Graphologist (Handwriting Analyst) are invited for this event as a Guest of Honour.

The event started at 10.30 seminar Hall ,Dr.Sangeeta Nath welcome all the chief guests ,faculties ,Librarian. Lighting of the Lamp done by Dr. Ratani Thakur, Dr.Sudha Rathod , Prof. Raosaheb Shindegalwekar Dr.P.Y.Gaonkar, Mr. Salim Dhanse.

Felicitation to all the Honourable dignitaries and Librarians was done.

Dr. Ratani Thakur, Principal Of OCE spoke about the necessity and importance of national librarians day celebration and also to improvement of the library system .Dr. Dr.Sudha Rathod Principal, OCP motivated all student to visit library book bank facility and to use,
Prof. Raosaheb Shindegalwekar, Principal SCCT further enlightenment about the functions of libraries and the necessary changes he made in the library to promote discipline and enhance to use. Dr.P.Y.Gaonkar, Principal OCL talked about library at first and then he appreciated the efforts put in by the management to help set up a new library for Law.

Mr. Salim Dhanse Librarian of Oriental College of Education shared his views about the great Librarian Dr. S.R.Ranganthan, Father of library and information science. The first Person in India who identified the real need of librarians and library science education in our country.

Vote of thank was proposed by Mrs. Suvarnalata Soni to all the dignitaries, Management, Faculty members Librarians, Non-Teaching staff and Students were present for the celebration and made it successful.

Mrs. Kalpana S Gaikwad


Oriental College of Law

“Halloween Day – 2019.

The Oriental College of Law Celebrated Halloween in order to range up all wired ideas to look up and enjoy the day. To make it more memorable the competition such as: –
a) Best Halloween Male/Female
b) Best Halloween Walk
c) One Min Mimicry
d) Nail Art
e) Treasure Hunt
Were organised for student where they Participated and enjoyed their day leaving all the stress of studies away for the day.

“Prize Distribution-2019.

Books and Degrees makes you topper, Talents and Skills makes you achiever.

With this Oriental College of Law distributed Prizes to the achiever of the events organised, celebrated in the academic year 2018-19 on 27th April, 2019.

The Prize Distribution included-

  1. Academic
  2. Intra-Parliamentary Debate Competition
  3. Intra-Moot Court Competition
  4. Sports
  5. Table tennis
  6. Chess
  7. Carrom
  8. 100 m, 200 m running race(Boys/Girls)
  9. 200 m relay race(Boys/Girls)
  10. Box cricket
  11. Badminton
  12. Shot-put throw(Boys/Girls)
  13. Javelin throw(Boys/Girls)
  14. Discus throw(Boys/Girls)
  15. Tug of war(Boys/Girls)
  • Cultural
  1. Best Halloween Male/Female
  2. Best Halloween Walk
  3. One Min Mimicry
  4. Nail Art
  5. Treasure Hunt
  6. Food Fest
  7. Best Mis-Match Selfie
  8. Best Mis-Match Twin
  9. Best Costume Male/Female
  10. Best Jodi
  11. Depict of the Star
  12. Mehendi Competition
  13. Lecture Competition

The Guests were Hon’ble N. S. Bari, Judicial Magistrate First Class, Mr. Prasad Patil, Senior Advocate, President, Navi Mumbai Bar Association, Member, Mr. Akshay Kashid, Advocate. The Sports and Cultural Prizes were given by the in charge professors.

“The book is a dream that you hold in your hand.

With this dream Oriental College of Law released its first Annual Magazine on 27th April, 2019. The Annual Magazine was released by the noble Patron from the Law field.

The Guests were Hon’ble N. S. Bari, Judicial Magistrate First Class, Mr. Prasad Patil, Senior Advocate, President, Navi Mumbai Bar Association, Member, Mr. Akshay Kashid, Advocate. The Guest also included Mr. Raosaheb Shinde, Principal, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Mrs. Ratni Thakur, Principal, Oriental College of Education were also present.

The program began with lighting of lamp. The Guests were then felicitated by Principal Oriental College of Law. The Magazine was then launched by the dignitaries. Prof. Santosh Mishra, Editor in charge gave a brief journey of the magazine and then, Guest shared their experiences and knowledge of Law with the Students and gave them best wishes for future life.
The Program concluded with the Vote of Thanks by the Prof. Hina Ansari.


The Oriental College of Law Celebrated International women’s Day on 8th March, 2019, along with Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Oriental College of Pharmacy, Oriental College of Education.

The Program was organised by Women Development Cell, the chief guest of the program was Ujjwala Salve, founder of Khushi Sanstha. The program had different events where Students of Oriental College of Law performed. The events were reciting poem, speech, song, and dance also Ladies Representatives were felicitated for their work. All the women’s in the institute were given a lot respect, love, affection

“मराठी भाषा गौरव दिन” २७ फेब्रुवारी, २०१९

जेष्ठ कवी व ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार प्राप्त कविवर्य कुसुमाग्रज उर्फ श्री वि. वा. शिरवाडकर यांच्या जन्मदिवसाचे औचित्य साधून दिनांक २७ फेब्रुवारी , २०१९ रोजी ओरिएंटल एजुकेशन सोसायटीच्या ओरिएंटल कॉलेज ऑफ लाँ, सानपाडा येथे “मराठी भाषा गौरव दिन” साजरा करण्यात आला .
दीप प्रज्वलानाने कार्यक्रमाची सुरुवात करण्यात आली या कार्यक्रमास प्रमुख पाहुणे मा. श्री विनयकुमार आवटे सल्लागार आयुष्य युवा योजना भारत सरकार मा. श्री हेमंत सामंत ब्रिटिश कौन्सिल स्कूल अँबेसेडर उपस्थित होते तसेच संस्थेचे अध्यक्ष मा. श्री जावेद खान यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाने कार्यक्रमाचे आयोजन करण्यात आले.

ज्ञान , विज्ञान , भावभावना , कलाविष्कार, ध्वानि , इतिहास , संस्कृती यांचे मूर्तिमंत रूप साकारणारी जीवनज्योत म्हणजे “मराठी भाषा” समाजाचे संचित पुढच्या पिढीपर्यंत पोहोचवणारी, इतिहास, वर्तमान आणि भविष्य यांचा संगम घडवणारी समाजवाहिनी म्हणजे “मराठी भाषा”
मराठी म्हणी या मध्यवर्ती कल्पनेच्या अनुषंगाने मराठी भाषा गौरव दिन साजरा करताना मराठी म्हणींचे जतन व संवर्धन यांचा विचार करण्यात आला.

असा संकल्प उपस्थितानी व स्पर्धकांनी केला त्या प्रमाणे , हे वर्ष ग. दि . माडगूळकर व पु. ल. देशपांडे यांचे जन्मशताब्दी वर्ष असल्यामुळे कार्यक्रमामध्ये या प्रतिभावंतांच्या साहित्याचा यथायोग्य विचार मांडण्यात आला.

१) म्हणी २) वाचन ३) काव्यस्पर्धा तसेच इतरही विविध स्पर्धांचे आयोजन करण्यात आले.
संस्थेच्या विविध महाविद्यालयालातील विध्यार्थी व विध्यार्थीनींनी कार्यक्रमात सहभाग घेतला व मराठी साहित्याचे सादरीकरण केले . विविध महाविद्यालयालातील प्राध्यापक व ग्रंथपाल यांनी विध्यार्थी व विध्यार्थीनींना प्रोत्साहित केले.
कार्यक्रमाची सांगता आभार प्रदर्शन व राष्ट्रगीताने करण्यात आली.

Republic Day 26th-January 2019

The Oriental College of LAW celebrated 70th Republic Day along with Sanpada college of Commerce and Technology, Oriental College of Pharmacy, Oriental College of Education.
The program began with hoisting of flag which was done by Dr. P. Y. Gaonkar, Pricipal, Oriental College of LAW. The cultural program began after that which included Solo song, group songs, dance etc. The Oriental College of LAW performed a SKIT dedicating to the police force of India which takes care of the Society internally with all the festivals which turns to be uncelebrated by them and their families.
The day ended by remembering the freedom struggle done for the independent formation of a REPUBLIC Country

teachers day Celebration- 5th September 2018

Teaching is the very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. Teacher can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.
With this thought and appreciation for the teachers, the students of Oriental College of law celebrated teacher’s day with great pomp and show.
We the teachers of Oriental College of Law, thank all our Students for the immense love, respect, appreciation for our hardwork.

women’s day celebration – 24th August 2018

“Women are the real architect of Society”
With this the event was organised by the Women Development Cell in Oriental Education Society, Sanpada in collaboration with Law College and other colleges.
The event primarily focused on creating awareness amongst the females of the OES which included students, faculty and other staff.

The occasion was graced by Mrs. Fatima Khan (National Vice-President, Anti-Corruption NGO) along with the Principals.

The events were successfully celebrated by the program such as Skit, Song, Dance, Self-Defence Guidance, Social Awareness and Other Activities.

Friendship Day Celebrations – 7th August 2018

We don’t know how life changed, we don’t know how life will change,
but the presence of ORIENTAL COLLEGE OF LAW has made this change more beautiful.
Each day is friendship day, each event with friend is celebrated as friendship day. So, there is no particular day to celebrate this occasion. But as world recognise the 1st Sunday of August as friendship day.
We at Oriental college of law celebrate this occasion with great enthusiasm, chocolates, games likeTwinning with your partner, best twin, damsharas, friendship wall, friendship band making etc. The best part of the event was the participation from the students.
On behalf of all Professors, we at Oriental College of Law are thankful and greatful to all students for making this program a great success.

  • Mr. Waseem Ahmad (Principal)
  • Mrs. Rupali Jamode (Vice-Principal)
  • Mrs. RavnishBector (Asst. Professor)
  • Mr. Shamsher Ali (Asst. Professor)
  • Miss. Sonal Jain (Asst. Professor)

May your friendship grows and you all prosperous in life……
All the Best.

Independence Day 2018

“Sare jahan se accha,
Hindustan hamara…
Hum bubulehaiiske,
Ye gulsitaanhamara…”

The atmosphere was full of positive energy, as India entered into 72nd Independence year.So, with this gist and enthusiasm of the special day for every true patriot, the Oriental Education Society, Sanpada campus celebrated the Independence Day with flag hosting and cultural events.

When the whole country is riding on waves of patriotism, the student of OCL performed a mime act, depicting the importance of our freedom fighter, national flag and celebration of our freedom on 15th August and the day after.

Another student of our college spoke on the feeling of patriotism back then when there was actually a need, but today the feeling is restricted on the two important occasion in our country i.e. 15th August and 26th January.

So, on this Independence Day, lets initiate towards the nation and respect our national flag every day and every moment


Library Day 11th August 2018

“A Library is a hospital for the mind.”

On the occasion of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan’s Birth anniversary is celebrated as the Librarian Day i.e. 12th August. as it falls on Sunday, it was celebrated on Saturday by spreading awareness about the importance of library science in the present era.
The occasion celebrated in collaboration with the Oriental College of Pharmacy in presence of the following dignitaries

  • Dr. Sudha Rathod, Principal, Oriental College of Pharmacy.
  • Prof. Raosaheb Shinde, Principal, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology.
  • Dr. Rataini Thakur, Principal, Oriental College of Education.
  • Prof. Waseem Ahmad, Principal, Oriental College of Law.

with the teaching and non-teaching Staff in the special presence of Librarian

Aruanadevi Linga, Librarian, Oriental College of Pharmacy.
Rupali Bhagat, Librarian, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology.
Salim Dhanse, Librarian, Oriental College of Education.
Kalpana Gaikwad, Librarian, Oriental College of Law

Guru Purnima Celebration – 2018

“Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshwarah
Guru Shakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Shri Guruve Namaha”

On the Auspicious Occasion of the Guru Purnima the Students at Oriental College of Law made it extremely special for every professor.

The occasion was celebrated with great enthusiasm, chocolates, cakes and flower. Moreover what made it more special was their love, affection and respect towards their professor.
On behalf of all Professor, we at Oriental College of Law are thankful and greatful to all students for making it so special and memorable for the Professors.

  • Mr. Waseem Ahmad (Principal)
  • Mrs. Rupali Jamode (Vice-Principal)
  • Mrs. Ravnish Bector (Asst. Professor)
  • Mr. Shamsher Ali (Asst. Professor)
  • Miss. Sonal Jain (Asst. Professor)

All the Best to all our students

Vachan Prerna Diwas – 2018

The Oriental College of Law celebrated Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam’s Birth anniversary on 15th October, 2018 (Monday). On the occasion of his Birth Anniversary, the day was celebrated as “Vachan Prerna Diwas” under this elocution competition and book exhibition was organized. At the beginning of the programme, a tribute was offered to the Missile man of India Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam. The programme started at 10a.m. and concluded at 1:30 p.m. the chief guest and judge of the elocution competition was Dr. Sushila Vijaykumar, associate professor, Manjunath College of Commerce, Dombivili, she was welcomed by the Principal of Oriental College of Law Dr. P. Y. Gaokar, Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff was also present. During the programme the oath was taken that one book will be read by everyone of the following author i.e. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, G. D. Madgulkar, and P. L. Despande.nde.

Convocation Ceremony – 2018

Oriental Education Society had organized grand convocation ceremony on 14th March 2018 at Cidco Convention Centre, Vashi. Five institutes of Oriental Education Society i.e. Oriental College of Law, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Oriental College of Pharmacy, Oriental Institute of Management and Oriental College of Education participated in this convocation ceremony and degrees were distributed to students of these colleges who completed their graduation in Academic Year 2016-17.
The said ceremony was presided over by Hon’ble Mr. Waseem Javed Khan, Managing Director, Oriental Education Society in presence of Hon’ble Prof. Javed Khan, President, Oriental Education Society, Ex. Education Minister & Ex. Chairman of Cidco.
1) Hon’ble Shri. Justice P. D. Kode, Retd. Judge, High Court, Bombay, 2) Hon’ble Shri. Justice A. P. Bhangale, Retd. Judge, High Court, Bombay & President, Maharashtra State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Mumbai, 3) Dr. Haidar-E-Karrar, Principal, Burhani College, Byculla, Mumbai, 4) Mr. Krishnan Iyer, Director, Sitec Labs, 5) Dr. D. Harichandan, Director, Idol, University of Mumbai and 6) Dr. Mrs. Sunita Magre, HOD, Education Department, University of Mumbai were the Chief Guests for the said Convocation Ceremony.
The ceremony started after academic procession followed by lightening of the lamp by the dignitaries and thereafter 1) Prof. Raosaheb, Principal, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, 2), Dr. Mrs. Sudha Rathod, Oriental College of Pharmacy, 3) Dr. K. G. Dawani, Oriental Institute of Management, 4) Dr. Mrs. Ratani Thakur, Principal, Oriental College of Education and 5) Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand, Principal, Oriental College of Law welcomed and introduced the guest on the dais and the guests were felicitated with shawl, shrifal and memento.
After the inspiring and informative speeches of the dignitaries, the degrees were distributed to more than 400 students.
While speaking for Oriental College of Law, Principal Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand expressed that it was a proud moment for Oriental College of Law as the college started in the year 2014 and this is the first year of the Law College were the degrees are being distributed to the first batch of the college which passed out in the year 2016-17 and that too in presence of two judges of Bombay High Court.
At the end Hon’ble Mr. Waseem Javed Khan, Managing Director, Oriental Education Society proposed vote of thanks and the programme concluded with national anthem.

मराठी भाषा दिवस – २०१८

ओरीएन्टल एज्युकेशन सोसायटीच्या ओरीएन्टल विधी महाविद्यालयात दि. २७/२/२०१८ रोजी जागतिक मराठी भाषा दिनानिमित्त महाविद्यालयाच्या मराठी साहित्य आणि वाङ्मय मंडळातर्फे “मराठी भाषा गौरव दिन” हा कार्यक्रम महाविद्यालयाच्या परिसंवाद सभागृहात, सकाळी ९ वाजता आयोजित करण्यात आला होता. मराठी साहित्याचा मानदंड श्री. वि. वा. शिरवाडकर (कुसुमाग्रज) यांचा जन्मदिवस, हा दिवस ‘मराठी भाषा दिवस’ म्हणून साजरा केला जातो.
सदर कार्यक्रमास मा. श्री. वामनराव देशपांडे, जेष्ठ साहित्यिक, कवी, समीक्षक, हे प्रमुख अतिथी म्हणून तर मा. अॅड. श्री. गजानन बापट, सहा. आयुक्त, अन्न व औषध प्रशासन, (निवृत्त) हे विशेष अतिथी म्हणून उपस्थित होते. महाराष्ट्राचे आराध्य दैवत श्री. छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांच्या प्रतिमेस वंदन करून, दीप प्रज्वलनाने कार्यक्रमास सुरवात झाली. डॉ. सौ. शितला गावंड, प्राचार्या, ओरीएन्टल विधी महाविद्यालय यांनी अतिथींचे स्वागत केले आणि अतिथींची माहिती देवून प्रास्ताविक करताना मराठी भाषेचा व्यवहारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करून मराठी भाषेचे संवर्धन करण्याची जवाबदारी महाराष्ट्रात रहात असलेल्या प्रत्येकाची असल्याचे नमूद केले. प्राध्यापिका सौ. रुपाली जामोडे यांनी कार्यक्रमाचे सूत्रसंचालन केले.
प्रमुख अतिथी मा. श्री. वामनराव देशपांडे यांनी मराठी भाषा दिनाचे महत्व समजावून सांगितले, तसेच मराठी भाषा दिन साजरा करण्याकरीता कवी कुसुमाग्रज यांचाच जन्म दिवस का निवडण्यात आला याचे कारण समजावून सांगितले. तरुणाईला प्रेमाचा खरा अर्थ कशात आहे हे समजावून सांगताना त्यागाचे महत्व विषद केले.
विशेष अतिथी श्री. गजानन बापट यांनी स्वत: मराठीत लिहिलेली कवितेची निवड होवून ती सादर करण्याकरीता त्यांना ९१ वे अखिल भारतीय मराठी साहित्य परिषद, बडोदा येथे आमंत्रित करण्यात आले होते आणि गौरविण्यात आले. त्यांनी ती कविता सादर केली आणि मराठी भाषेचे महत्व समजावून सांगतानाच मराठी भाषा टिकून राहण्यासाठी तरुण पिढीने मराठी भाषेचा सन्मान आणि संवर्धन करण्याची गरज आहे असे सांगितले.
सदर कार्यक्रमात श्री. शशिकांत निंबाळे – अंतिम वर्ष, सौ. सुषमा पवार- अंतिम वर्ष, आणि सौ. श्रावणी पंढीरे – चौथे वर्ष, कु. नेहा मिश्रा यांनी कविता सादर केल्या तसेच सौ. अश्विनी पाटील – अंतिम वर्ष, श्री. योगेश बंसल, दुसरे वर्ष, श्री. किशोर राणे – दुसरे वर्ष यांनी त्यांचे मनोगत व्यक्त केले.
श्री. शशिकांत निंबाळे – अंतिम वर्ष यांनी आभार प्रदर्शन केले आणि कार्यक्रमाची सांगता राष्ट्रगीताने करण्यात आली.


Oriental College of Law had organized Food Fest – 2018 on 23rd February 2018. Many students took part in the event and the participants had taken lot of efforts to make attractive display of the respective food counter. All the students as well as teaching and non teaching staff enjoyed the delicious food items at very reasonable rates. Amongst all the participants, Mrs. Vaibhavi Sakpal, LLB, 2nd Yr. was awarded First Prize in vegetarian food category for the food item “Puran Poli” and Ms. Afreen Khan, BLS, LLB 2nd Yr. was awarded First Prize in Non-Vegetarian food category for the food item “Chicken Lolypop”. Ms. Rutika Kesarwani, LLB, 1st Yr. was given Certificate of Appreciation for her food item “Sandwich”
Mrs. Kalpana Gaikwad and Mrs. Megha More jointly judged the event and considering various categories viz. test, presentation, cleanliness, knowledge of the participants over his/her food item, etc. Lastly Dr. Mrs. Shitala S. Gavand, Principal, Oriental College of Law awarded the winners and as well as participation certificates were given to all the participants. The food fest was enjoyed by everybody.


Oriental College of Law, Sanpada organized an orientation program for the newly admitted BLS, LL.B. & LL.B. students at the Seminar Hall in the College premises on 21st December 2017. The major objective of the program was to make students aware of the academic aspects of the course and encouraging them to achieve success as a student. Ms. Deepa Rawal, BLS 1st Year Class Representative Student, hosted the programme.
The Programme was inaugurated with the lightning of the lamp by the Chief Guest, Shri. Damodar P. Mhatre, District Judge & Addl. Sessions Judge (Retd.), Dr. Mrs. Shitala S. Gavand, Principal of OCL, Asst. Prof. Mrs. Ravnish Bector, Asst. Prof. Mrs. Rupali Jamode and Asst. Prof. Ms. Anuja Rane.
The Chief Guest was welcome by Dr. Mrs. Shitala S. Gavand, Principal of Oriental College of Law. After welcoming the guest she addressed the new students and narrated the importance of studies and precautions to be taken for being eligible for pursuing further education after completing law course. She also introduced the Chief Guest to the students.
The Chief Guest Shri. Damodar P. Mhatre, District Judge & Addl. Sessions Judge (Retd.) explained the framework of the law course and also highlighted concepts of the important subjects. While explaining importance of hard work, he also pointed out the adverse effects on advocate’s health due to work pressure and stressful life and gave tips for avoiding stress.
Finally, a vote of thanks was proposed by Asst. Prof. Mrs. Runjhun Srivastav and the programme was concluded with national anthem.


Oriental College of Law had organized HINDI BHASHA DIWAS on 14th September 2017 at Seminar Hall of Law College. Being Hindi linguistic minority college, the day was celebrated with Great Spirit and enthusiasm. Mr. Sandeep Dubey, Law College Student hosted the event very gracefully. Prof. Jobi Joseph, Vice Principal of Public Junior College of Science and Commerce, Santacruz, gave very informative speech.

Hindi Skit on importance of Hindi Language was performed by Mrs. Shital Dixit, Mrs. Stella Mathew and Mrs. Namrata Jagtap, the students of Final LL.B. 3 year course.

Mrs. Payal Sharma (BLS,LL.B. 3rd Yr), Mr. Sachin Dubey (LL.B. 3rd Yr) and Mr. Yogesh Bansal (LL.B. 2nd Yr) gave speech. Ms. Mehnaaz Hawa (BLS,LL.B. 2nd Yr) and Ms. Afreen Khan (BLS,LL.B. 2nd Yr) recited hindi poems.

Asst. Prof. Mrs. Palak Srivastava sung a Hindi song very beautifully. Dr. Mrs. Shitala Gavand, Principal, Oriental College of Law concluded the programme by thanking all the staff members and students.



“International Women’s Day” was organized by Oriental College of Law in Seminar Hall on 8th March 2017 at 8:30 A.M. The Chief Guest of the programme was Dr. Ajit Balwant Magadum, Chairman,  Anvay Pratishtan,  NGO with Redg. No. E-8051/Thane. The said program was attended by number of students of Law College. The program begins with the lightning of the lamp by the Chief Guest, Dr. Ajit Balwant Magadum, Dr. J. B. Patil, Principal of Oriental College of Law, Dr. Muley, Principal of Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Dr. Prakash Deshmukh, Advocate & Professor, Prof. Shitala Gavand, Chair Person of Women Development Cell, OCL. After felicitation of dignitaries, Dr. J. B. Patil and then Dr. Muley gave introductory speech. Then the chief guest Dr. Magadum enlightened the students with his motivational speech about women empowerment. Then international movie “Made in Dagenham” was shown, which is based on women’s strength and the said movie emphasize the concept of “Equal pay for Equal Work”. The Programme concluded with vote of thanks.



Legal Aid Centre was inaugurated at Oriental College of Law, Sanpada on 28th January 2017 at the august hands of Hon’ble Justice Shri. Ashok Bhangle, the President Maharashtra State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Mumbai. The said program was attended by number of students of law college at the Seminar Hall in the College premises.

The program begin with the lightning of the lamp by the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Justice Shri. Ashok Bhangle, the President Maharashtra State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Mumbai, Mrs. Bhangale,  Hon’ble President of Oriental Education Society & the Ex. Education Minister of Maharashtra State, Prof. Javed Khan, Dr. J. B. Patil, Principal of Oriental College of Law, Dr. Prakash Deshmukh, Advocate & Professor.

The Hon’ble Chief Guest, all the dignitaries, staff and students were welcomed by Dr. J. B. Patil, Principal of Oriental College of Law and he also addressed the students and explained the importance of need of free legal aid for the poor and illiterate people on the touchstone of the Preamble of the Constitution of India.

The Chief Guest, Hon’ble Justice Shri. Ashok Bhangle inaugurated the legal aid centre by ribbon cutting. Thereafter Asst. Prof. Mrs. Shitala Gavand, the Chairperson of Legal Aid Committee gave brief introduction of Hon’ble Prof. Javed Khan, President Oriental Education Society and of the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Justice Shri. Ashok Bhangle.

It is indeed a remarkable that the Chief Guest Justice Shri. Bhangale has experience of all possible positions which an advocate can work on. He was an Advocate, lecturer in law college, Asst. Govt. Pleader & Addl. Public Prosecutor, Principal Secretary, Law & Judiciary Department, Judge of City Civil & Session Court, Spl. Judge under TADA and POTA, Principal Judge City Civil & Session Court, High Court Judge. After retirement as High Court, Judge, he is working as the President, Maharashtra State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Mumbai.

Prof. Shitala Gavand also explained importance of Legal Aid Cell for the society and its importance from student’s point of view, since active participation in legal aid program, would provide an early opportunity to interact with clients and she concluded with a very heart-touching poem related to poverty and free legal aid.

Asst. Prof. Ms. Fakhra Tabassum, member of Legal Aid Centre thereafter gave a speech on women empowerment and sexual harassment of women at workplace.

Adv. Prof. Dr. Prakash Deshmukh, Convener of the Inauguration Program, gave informative speech and conveyed that legal awareness among illiterate and poor people is very important for the success of legal aid movement. As a volunteer Advocate of Legal Aid Centre, he assured that on every 2nd and 4th Saturday he would provide his helping hand for fulfilling the object of Legal Aid Centre started by the College.

Hon’ble Prof. Javed Khan, President Oriental Education Society, delivered a very inspirational, goal-oriented and motivating speech. He laid emphasis on need of free legal aid to the poor and down-trodden society especially women who are regarded as “Abala Naari” & most vulnerable section of society. He encouraged the students by motivating them towards imparting free legal advice to illiterate and poor people as it is the duty of all to follow social obligations towards society in which we are living.

The Chief Guest, Hon’ble Justice Shri. Ashok Bhangle, while delivering the speech, said that the students of law college  and Advocates  should strive hard to serve poor and needy people who cannot afford the cost of legal proceedings and fees of the Advocates. He laid emphasis on Art. 21 ‘right to life’ of the Constitution of India, which also includes right to live with dignity and he pointed out that when poor people cannot afford cost of litigation, they do not get justice and this right to live with dignity get infringed. With the help of few Supreme Court and his High Court Judgments, he explained the importance of free legal aid to the society. According to him, many litigants can get legal aid at a pre-litigation stage itself and if they are made aware of exact legal position, settlement of dispute at pre-litigation stage is also possible. Those who have already approached the Court of Law can also save their time and expenses by knowing the correct legal position. He also laid emphasis on sexual harassment of women and explained students about “sexual harassment” in simple words. He also share his experiences when he was working as Addl. Public Prosecutor and as a sitting Judge of Bombay High Court.

On the topic of “sexual harassment of women at workplace” a very beautiful Marathi Skit “Bandini” was performed by the students of Second year and Third year of 5 years Course of Oriental Law College.

Finally, a vote of thanks was proposed by Asst. Prof. Ravnish Bector, member of Legal Aid Committee.

The Program was concluded by National Anthem.


Oriental College of Law, Sanpada organized an orientation program me for the newly admitted BLS, LL.B. & LL.B. students at the Seminar Hall in the College premises on 26th December 2016. The major objective of the program was to make students aware of the academic aspects of the course and encouraging them to achieve success as a student and also in future professional life and so also to generally make aware about the rules and regulations of the College.

The Programme was inaugurated with the lightning of the lamp by the Chief Guest, Adv. Mr. Shreekant V. Gavand, Addl. Public Prosecutor, High Court, Bombay, Dr. J.B. Patil, Principal of OCL, Dr. Prakash Deshmukh and Asst. Prof. Shitala Gavand.

The Chief Guest was welcome by Dr. J.B. Patil, Principal of Oriental College of Law. After welcoming the guest he addressed the new students and laid stress on the importance of dedication for successful professional life and the need to have proper planning before taking up and implementing any project. He gave necessary information about the academic design of the Law course in Mumbai University. He also briefed the students about the rules and regulations of the institute and requested the students to understand and abide by the institutional rules and norms.

Dr. Prakash Deshmukh, Advocate & Professor, encouraged the students to create amicable and healthy competitive environment. He also motivated the students towards social work.

Some senior students also addressed the new students with their experiences and have extended their hands to help them in their needs.

The Chief Guest, Adv.  Mr. Shreekant V. Gavand, while delivering a speech on the occasion, said that the students should give emphasis for having sufficient command over English language. Though language of lower court is Marathi, all the legislation is drafted   in English and the judgments of Supreme Court and High Courts are delivered in English. With help of few Supreme Court Judgments, he explained that it is very necessary to read the Judgments of Higher Courts, to understand correct interpretation of statutory Provisions.

He laid emphasis on the importance of legal education and explained importance of time and so also importance of active dialogue between teaching faculty and students. Referring to his personal experience, he asked the students to study all the subjects in syllabus with full devotion and dedication and avoid selective study, so that after completing law course, they would get time to study other laws which are not included in law syllabus. He also said that while studying law subjects in syllabus, the target of student should be achieving professional competence and not merely passing the examination

Finally, a vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Ravnish Bector, an Assistant Professor at OCL.


A “Women Development Cell” was inaugurated by an honourable guest Mrs. Rashmi Joshi- a member of International Human Rights Council at Oriental College of Law on the auspicious occasion of the World Environment Day. She was welcomed by the Principal and faculties of OCL. In her address, she gave an insight on the security of women and on the importance of Women Development Cell in any Organisation.
On the same day World Environment Day was also celebrated in the College. World Environment Day (WED) is observed every year on 5th June with the aim to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. The occasion started with Plantation of tree followed by detailed discussion on the current condition of environment.

Moot Court 2016


Free Legal Advice


Quiz Competition


OLC Orientation Programme

Oriental college of law conducted orientation programme on 5 th August for the student of llb first year and BLS first year. Where honourable principal judge Mr.R R Gandhi had delivered a valuable speech to our students


Teacher’s Day

Oriental college of law celebrated teachers day on 5 th September where more than 100 students were present, all faculty and non teaching staff was also present.
Programme start with the very much inspiring speech of our respected principal madam Mrs Gauri Kala. students presented  a skit on importance of teacher in ones life, and also presented very good poems and song for there teachers.

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