Republic day 2020
In the midst of New Year and new beginning, the 1st event celebrated in Oriental College of Law was 70th Republic Day. The country entered into 71st year of Democracy guaranteeing all rights to its citizens.
The Oriental Education Society’s Oriental College of Law along with Oriental College of Education, Oriental College of Pharmacy and Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology Celebrated 26th January, 2020 with all pride and respect towards Nation.
The Celebration began with Flag hoisting by Prof. Raosaheb Shinde, Principal, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, along with other Dignitaries, Vice-Principal and other Staff. Later on Cultural Program began which included Song, Dance, Skit performed by students of various college of Oriental Education Society.
The event ended with distribution of sweet and snacks.

Republic Day - 2018
Like every Year, Republic Day was celebrated at Oriental Education Society, Sanpada. This year the Republic day was organized by Oriental College of Education, Sanpada. All members of teaching and non-teaching staff from Oriental College of Law, Oriental College of Pharmacy, Oriental College of Education, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology and students attended the programme. The Flag hoisting was done by Dr. Sudha Rathod, Principal, Oriental College of Pharmacy and she gave informative speech. A Skit on social issues and a beautiful group dance were performed by students of Oriental College of Education. Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology performed a group dance. A Group Song ‘Jayostute’ was sung by students and teaching staff of Law College (Mrs. Shitala Gavand, Principal, Mrs. Shravani Pandhire (BLS,LLB 4th Yr), Mr. Laxmikant Patil, (BLS,LLB 3rd Yr) , Ms. Neha Mishra (LL.B. 1st Yr), Mr. Santosh Pol (LL.B. 1st Yr) and Adv. Shreekant Gavand, At the end of the programme Snacks were given to all the staff and participants.

Independence Day – 2017
Like every Year, in the year 2017, our 71st Indian Independence Day was celebrated at Oriental Education Society. This year the Independence day was organized by Oriental College of Law at Sanpada under the guidance of I/c. Principal Dr. Mrs. Shitala Shreekant Gavand. All members of teaching and non-teaching staff from Oriental College of Law, Oriental College of Pharmacy, Oriental College of Education, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology and students attended the programme. The Flag hoisting was done by Prof. Raosaheb Shinde, Principal, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology. Skits on different social issues were performed by students of Pharmacy and Commerce College. Group Songs were sung by students of B.Ed. and Law College. The Students of Oriental Law College organized a beautiful fashion show based on the theme “Unity in Diversity”.
Ms. Mehnaaz Hawa, BL.S, LL.B, 2nd year student gave a very informative speech with respect to various social and economical issues in India. Solo dance was performed by 3rd year BL.S, LL.B student Ms. Vrushali Seth.
Asst. Prof. Mrs. Palak Srivastava sang a song ‘Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon’. Principal Dr. Mrs. Shitala Shreekant Gavand recited an inspirational poem on Independence struggle, followed by speech. Prof. Raosaheb Shinde, Principal, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology gave very inspirational Speech. Lastly Indian Independence Day pogramme was concluded by National Song “Vande Mataram” sung by all faculty members and students of Oriental College of Law and then Snacks were given to all.